Issue 1: Biomembranes and modern methodology for assessment of environmental haz- ards of chemicals ecotoxicants, xenobiotics, environmental mutagens and genotoxic- ants. Therefore, the aim of our work is to show that the circular economy is imperative for sustainable development in North Macedonia and Serbia. No selective Se accumulators were found among the plants. Keywords: green economy, fuel of the future, hydrogen, innovation. Now- adays, people rarely decide to repair devices, instead, they replace them with new ones. Cai Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Moscow , Russian Federation Using biomembranes is associated with many relevant areas of modern scientific rese- arch and applications. Hence the idea was born to use this sensor on Lake Baikal, which in this case will be a sensor. This leads to job creation, introduction of eco-energy innovations, green investments inflow and the creation of an economically and environmentally acceptable envir- onment. ICT and BigData have created conditions for raising the reputation of this attractive destination of healthy environment, and its importance in the international tourism market, which was presented within the results of project evaluation. Баксан с повышенным уровнем W и Mo Кабардино-Балкарская республика. Michael Hauhs. The Conference was attended by about participants from the country and abroad from various scientific fields: environmental monitoring and protection, economics, ecology, chem- istry, biogeochemistry, physical chemistry, biotechnology, agronomy, environmental manag- ement, information technology, financial management, sociology, law and political science. The goal of this research is to seek out what regulates electricity consumption in Europe using a panel dataset that includes a climate, b national income, and c national population growth. The paper presents the results of the work of this Conference as well as a brief overview of the most important decisions and activities in the international and national context.
Es decir, quiénes serán aquellas personas que sienten mayor interés en tu marca y tus productos. Previamente puedes realizar una encuesta por email marketing o. Вам потребуется минут, чтобы ответить на все вопросы. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что у Вас достаточно времени для ответов на вопросы, а у Вашего компьютера.
Sahil Shaikh. As for researched units of the forest ecosystem, and the species which are present there, they are adaptible to higrophilous site conditions whose biotopes are like some kind of sponge and biofilter and together with litter absorb a lot of water, then prevent surface runoff and reduce floods. The object that V. In order for the Republic of Serbia to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary in the first place to reduce poverty and the inclusion of the Roma population in life and in education and work. Olga Sizova2, prof. Kovalsky, reflects the relationship between organisms and the natural and man-made environment, and this relationship is represented in the form of biogenic migration of chemical elements in the biogeochemical food chain. Iodine was determined by the kinetic rhodanide-nitrite meth- od Proskuryakova, Nikitina,
Michal Zeman. The ecological crisis shows that it related its risks to the overall development of each country, so it is necessary to increase awareness of the consequences of climate change. Поскольку живые организмы способны адаптироваться к опреде- ленным повышенным концентрациям химических элементов в окружающей среде Ковальский, ; Ермаков, Тютиков, Сафонов, , что отражается на значе- ниях их аккумуляции в органах и тканях. Europe is dominated by a more mature green bond market that includes many large private and public issuers. Baranchukov 2, Dr S. Leading asset managers and investment companies offer ESG financial products that take sustainability factors into account thro- ughout the entire investment process. Sahil Shaikh. The most commonly used plant species is willow Salix sp. The United Nations and the European Commission are actively encouraging governments to use Public-Private partnerships PPPs in infrastructure for sustainable development and poverty alleviation, mindful of the limited resources available to governments to meet the huge development challenges of the era. It is a new tool for competitiveness in the Eur- opean and world market based on the economy of saving resources, materials and energy transition. Since it is a classic infectious disease, the basic measure to fight against this disease is controlled entry or exit from individual countries. Project green bonds have the potential to bridge this funding gap. This issue is not resolved in the same way in every country.
Здесь наблюдается высокая заболеваемость беломышечной болезнью животных, а также болезнью Кешана и эндемичной уровской болезнью. Vincent Odhiambo. The authors summarized the available data on the content of microelements in bottom sediments in the territory of Moldova, as well as conducted additional studies. The main goal of this paper is to present the achievement of sustainable development goals SDG in relation to one of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups of the population in the Republic of Serbia - the population living in Roma settlements. The second part presents the circular economy as a chance for sustainable development of the Republic of North Macedonia, while the third part is based on the circular economy as a required condition for sustainable development of the Republic of Serbia.
The authors started studies on the influence of techn- ogenic biosphere taxons on the territory of the Novotroitsk tailing dump nearby the city of Plast. As for researched units of the forest ecosystem, and the species which are present there, they are adaptible to higrophilous site conditions whose biotopes are like some kind of sponge and biofilter and together with litter absorb a lot of water, then prevent surface runoff and reduce floods. These problems are multiple, complex and diverse and by nature intertwined in the framework of environmental protection and health, as well as in the social and economic spheres. Vernadsky, living matter, environment, climate change, Mosc- ow State University. The results were documented by electron microscopy. Therefore, the radioiodine transfer to natural forages of dairy animals similar to its stable analogue could happen to be close while grazing the pastures with different soils. This entails swapping out internal combustion engines for more ecologically friendly alternatives.
At the same time, the median value in grasses growing on gray forest soils did not differ significantly from those growing on sod- podzolic soils 0. The second part presents the circular economy as a chance for sustainable development of the Republic of North Macedonia, while the third part is based on the circular economy as a required condition for sustainable development of the Republic of Serbia. At the same time, the microbial link of the biogeochemical cycle is also restored. In the trophic chains of the Caspian seal, in contrast to sturgeon and herring, migration of cobalt, manganese and cadmium was noted in the links: benthophagous fish and planktivorous fish - the Caspian seal. The authors summarized the available data on the content of microelements in bottom sediments in the territory of Moldova, as well as conducted additional studies. The maximum I content was observed in the upper 5-centimeter soil layer regardless of the soil type and position in the relief which reflects the atmospheric source of iodine and its high affinity to the organic matter. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Но некоторые ма- кромицеты белый гриб, шампиньон, дождевик, красный мухомор содержат высокие концентрации этого микроэлемента. Production and trade which are based on oil as an energy source, directly depends on the availability of oil, price movements, negative externalities such as GHG and climate change , but also on the speed of development and application of technology based on renewable energy sources. Voronkova, V. Oxidative stress, antioxidant biomarkers, and AChE activity were assessed.
Investors are attracted by projects with a stable revenue stream. Keywords: COP26, climate change, international community, industrialization, green- house gases, global warming, catastrophic consequences, mitigation, sustainable dev- elopment. Установлена четкая дифференциация растений в экстремальных геохими- ческих условиях. As for researched units of the forest ecosystem, and the species which are present there, they are adaptible to higrophilous site conditions whose biotopes are like some kind of sponge and biofilter and together with litter absorb a lot of water, then prevent surface runoff and reduce floods. Iodine was determined by the kinetic rhodanide-nitrite meth- od Proskuryakova, Nikitina, The intention of the authors is to study and analyze in this paper the legislative infrastructure in the field of energy in Republic of Serbia, with reference to the degree of involvement of individual consumers in the process of energy transition in particular.
The assimilation of Se by plants from "organic" soil is very low. Theo Tervoort. Seismic sensors SM-3 for recording the horizontal and vertical components of the vibr- ation process were placed on the shore of Lake Sevan on a special small pedestal. In order to implement the initial initiative emphasized by the emergence of a pandemic to reduce food surpluses, a series of workshops was organized in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, the Chamber of Commerce, private companies, food banks, catering associations and social enterprises to reduce food waste and options for using surplus food as a resource. To in-vitro test the biological effect, cells of nanobacteria from animal blood were suspended in buffer solution, distilled water, and WSE. Accepting the principles of the green economy creates the conditions for responsible sustainable development. This resulted in simplified, to some extent superficial ideas and underestimation of the danger of anthropogenic imp- acts on the biotic component of the environment. Economies have functioned in this way in the past until the current form of neoliberalism.
Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Kovalsky, reflects the relationship between organisms and the natural and man-made environment, and this relationship is represented in the form of biogenic migration of chemical elements in the biogeochemical food chain. Economically, in the broader consideration of the impact, the following can be strat- egically singled out: a inflationary economic trends; b increase in the price of energy and mineral resources; c a decline in production and d a decline in consumption. Waste could be said to be a material or object that no longer has any use value and its owner intends to dispose of it permanently. Vernadsky about the biosphere. The total selenium uptake by plant biomass for arid and humid regions turned out to be almost the same, despite the different plant biomass Keywords: biogeochemistry, selenium, Se-deficiency, soil, plant, arid and humid regions The work was carried out according to the State Task of GEOHI RAS. Food production and agriculture, packaging and construction industry, are also promising sectors for the application of the circular economy model.
Sustainable lifestyles and further development are possible only with a "new attitude" towards the environment, which implies a "green" economy. The effect of WSE on microorganisms was tested using Pasteurela multocida and Escherichia coli bacteria. The forest ecosystem retains large amounts of precipitation in the form of rain and snow forms underground sources which feed numerous springs and watercourses during dry periods. Keywords: green marketing, green marketing orientation, management, social resp- onsibility, environment, strategy, stakeholders. A significant difference in the distribution and accumulation of Se in the environment of arid and humid regions has been found. The methodology used in this paper is based on qualitative research techniques, i. Вадим Ермаков Лаборатория биогеохимии окружающей среды, Институт геохимии и аналитической химии им.
The impact of risks based on various risks scenarios analysis and identif- ication of environment and climate-related opportunities still represent an advanced issue. Among the isolated strains, strains resistant to lead are of particular interest. Баксан с повышенным уровнем W и Mo Кабардино-Балкарская республика. Tkachenko Resistance of horse chestnut aesculus species to the invader Cameraria ohridella An overview of the most imp- ortant recycling companies in this country is also given. The Conference was attended by about participants from the country and abroad from various scientific fields: environmental monitoring and protection, economics, ecology, chem- istry, biogeochemistry, physical chemistry, biotechnology, agronomy, environmental manag- ement, information technology, financial management, sociology, law and political science. Quite contrary to this understanding of the linear type of economy, the circular type of economy has an increasingly important role where the residues of the production process are reused in the new production process. The paper is concluded with rec- ommendations and technical solutions for improving e-waste management in the Republic of Serbia. But in arid conditions in the salinization zone of serozems with a Se content of 2. Baranchukov 2, Dr S. But if its production is connected with renewable energy sources, and as it is the most important factor in the fight against climate changes and an integral part of political agendas, then its value will grow more and the price will fall. Keywords: electricity consumption, climate, income growth, population growth, mult- iple linear regression.
The goal of this research is to seek out what regulates electricity consumption in Europe using a panel dataset that includes a climate, b national income, and c national population growth. Environmental Pollution, Vol. We have made a historical turn based on the expansion of high technologies that have changed the economic and social structure, production - technological system and consumer lifestyle. This web solution has played a significant role in the development of the tourist destination itself, advert- ising and selling its services on the Internet platform. Prvi deo baziran je na analizi prednosti cirkularne ekonomije u zemljama Evropske unije. Later, by many intellectuals it was called «the environment» окружающая среда.
The economic dimension includes honouring the basic principles of economics and the production of goods and services, which, after the end of the production cycle, appear on the market. Fokus zelenog marketinga je isporuka visoke vrednosti stejkholderima uz minimalan negativan uticaj na okolinu. Increased green bond standards in all jurisdictions could contribute to the further development of financial markets. The results of the research presented in the paper show that the Roma, as a large minority in the Republic of Serbia, face serious problems of socio-economic nature, so that over time they become one of the most vulnerable social groups. The impact of risks based on various risks scenarios analysis and identif- ication of environment and climate-related opportunities still represent an advanced issue. Kriksunov, S. Since living organisms are able to adapt to certain elevated concentrations of chemical elements in the environment Kovalsky, ; Ermakov, Tyutikov, Safonov, , which is reflected in the values of their accumulation in organs and tissues. The pandemic, as a health problem, affects the strength and organization of the health systems of each country, but inevitably has a negative impact on the entire economic system. The purpose of the experimental study is to confirm our proposal to use some reservoirs and caves as supersensitive antennas of acoustic vibrations. Hydrogen stood out as the best candidate for a global solution to this problem. How- ever, in core economic theory and practice, it erupted only at the beginning of the 21st century with the most favorable number of environmental problems and crisis sit- uations. WAS were concentrated by evaporation and using a vacuum rotary evaporator. A key component of the concept of sustainability human development is scientific and technological progress. Усвоение Se растениями из "органических" почвы очень низкое.
Putri Ramadhani. Pabitra Mishra. The key problem of the future is the problem of energy production. Hydrogen is an energy medium, unlike fossil fuels which are the primary sources. Iodine was determined by the kinetic rhodanide-nitrite meth- od Proskuryakova, Nikitina, Общий захват селена биомассой растений для засушливых и влажных регионов ока- зался почти одинаковым, несмотря на различную биомассу растений. The paper presents the results of the work of this Conference as well as a brief overview of the most important decisions and activities in the international and national context. International Journal of Current Research and Review. Due to the introduction of EU and US sanctions against Russia, the supply of oil and natural gas is directly endangered, not only in the EU countries, but also in other countries, which are threatened by a blockade of transport routes. Vernadsky, was 1 the idea of living organisms the living matter as the most important factor in the formation of chemical parameters of the environment and 2 the concept of biogenic migration of atoms of chemical elements. The transition from a linear to a circular model is also growing faster in the European Union, which is a consequence of the development of new business models and new technologies. Jutamas Shaughnessy. These phases include the phase of: a the production preparation; b the production realization and c the turnover of final products and services. However, this important natural res- ource is being degraded.
Es decir, quiénes serán aquellas personas que sienten mayor interés en tu marca y tus productos. Previamente puedes realizar una encuesta por email marketing o. PDF | Lumpy skin disease is an economically significant transmissible infectious disease with mortatity rate from 4 to 95 %.
Together with the forest soil, forest floor litter enables fast infiltration of surface waters and its retention which reduces a part of the rainfalls that runoffs on the surface and causes floods; the forest prevents sudden melting of snow and thus greatly reduces the risk of spring floods; process of forest evapotranspiration reduces a part of the rainfalls which would runoff on the surface. So far, the elemental status of local plants and animals is understudied. Татьяна Ершова1, доц. Claudio Scazzocchio. Risks that are still hard to monetize, like biodiversity risk, are not assessed and measured. The maximum I content was observed in the upper 5-centimeter soil layer regardless of the soil type and position in the relief which reflects the atmospheric source of iodine and its high affinity to the organic matter.
This quantitative growth today is a combination of classical quantitative growth but harmonized with the ideas of sustainable development and saving natural resources. Therefore, for the sustainable development of the country, it is necessary to carry out land reclamation. In order for the Republic of Serbia to achieve sustainable development, it is necessary in the first place to reduce poverty and the inclusion of the Roma population in life and in education and work. The objective of this work was to evaluate whether peptides from S protein could cause a negative impact on aquatic animals. In Moldova, there was very little data on the content of trace elements in sediments. The forest ecosystem retains large amounts of precipitation in the form of rain and snow forms underground sources which feed numerous springs and watercourses during dry periods.
The latest current events on the world energy market are a consequence of military-operational-war events on the Russia- Ukraine route, which have indirectly manifested themselves in the field of energy. In some aspects the modern concept of the environment is similar to the concept of the biosphere which was developed by the prominent scientist V. One of the answers we can currently offer as a society is to reuse what we throw away. Др Вадим Ермаков1, Проф. According to the National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for , the development of the country is focused on addressing the following SDG in the near future: poverty eradication; elimination of hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean energy; decent work and economic growth; peace, justice and effective institutions.
Изучение биогеохимического фона Каспийского моря, а также особенностей и зако- номерностей миграции химических элементов представляет собой актуальность работы. Ostroumov Theory of biosphere which was created by V. Медь и кобальт преимущественно накапливается ракообразными, а никель — моллюс- ками. Practice has shown that a linear economic model non- circular linear economy has a catastrophic effect on the environment. Известно, что ртуть обладает высокой аккумуляционной способностью по отноше- нию к живым организмам и нами на основании коэффициентов накопления хими- ческих элементов в трофических цепях Каспийского моря это еще раз отмечено. Need an account? The object that V. This way of doing business starts from the assumption that access to resources is easy and without restrictions on the amount of available resources. Similarly, it may also decline the agricultural production by excessive salt Cl- accumulations salinization and will also threaten the aquatic and wild ecosystems. Among the areas of practical applications of this the- ory are the following: 1 pollution control, detoxification of pollutants; 2 environmental biotechnology, biotechnological engineering and green economy; 3 implementation of environmental law; 4 environmental education. Пользовательское соглашение Политика конфиденциальности. The most commonly used plant species is willow Salix sp. Financing of investments through green bonds has grown significantly in recent years. The forest ecosystem retains large amounts of precipitation in the form of rain and snow forms underground sources which feed numerous springs and watercourses during dry periods. Countries with a developed energy and mineral sector have an advantage, which enables them special economic and political position, as well as more favorable conditions for economic and social development.
Issue 2. Cai, G. The dependence of the total Se content in plants on mobile forms of Se in soils was revealed. Biomembranes are relevant targets of some environmental pollutants. Various types of seismic receivers and hydrophones are used to record ultraweak low- frequency acoustic waves in reservoirs and caves.
Hydrophones were placed in the lake in a suspended state and held by a buoy under water in a vertical position. The development of green marketing has created the conditions for the implementation of green marketing orientation in the process of adopting and implementing corporate, and especially marketing strategy. Jens Aamand , Spiros N. Keywords: biomembranes, environmental hazards, Ames test, xenobiotics, ecotoxic- ants, bioassay, membranotropic, surfactants, detergents, ecotoxicology. The ultimate goal of the research is the incorporation of research results into the practical application of sust- ainable development goals in the Republic of Serbia, all in accordance with the Agenda. In the process of water infiltration, an important role is played by the dead forest floor litter as it protects the soil from mechanical damage caused by raindrops, which can lead to disruption of soil structure, its compaction and thus lower water absorption capacity. The results of phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that most of the isolated HM-resistant strains belong to the genus Pseudomonas. The calorific values of biomass and lignite mixtures were determined using an IKA C calorimeter. В обоих случаях недостаток микро- элемента связан со слабой ассимиляцией Se растениями из подзолистых, болотных и торфянистых почв. Also, the resources of the planet are limited, and the consumerism of modern man is putting them under increasing pressure. Energy stability is not only a driver that affects the level of economy and economic development, it also affects our transportation to work, as well as the warmth of homes on cold days, gen- erating investment, political and social dependence on energy.
Driving force of energy transitions at the global level represent energy efficiency which together with the use of renewable energy sources has the ability to mitigate climate change. Tkachenko Resistance of horse chestnut aesculus species to the invader Cameraria ohridella Keywords: biosphere, environmental science, biota, water self-purification, biogenic migration of atoms, ecological chemoregulators, biogenic migration of elements, biogeo- chemistry. Keywords: heavy metals, biomass, co-burning, willow, calorimetry. Ключевые слова: биогеохимическая индикация, аномалии, металлы, мониторинг, почвы, ферменты, волосяной покров животных, флуктуирующая асимметрия. Кб Se растениями очень низкий, менее 0,2. That is why it is very important to properly handle this waste and recycle it in order to remove it in an efficient and socially responsible way. Due to the complicated soil and rocks cover there is a considerable difference in the chemical composition of the soils. A blatant example of the necessity of decentralized implementation of a sectoral policy is environmental policy. Based on obtained results, it was established that this forest mosaic present at researched area, apart from numerous generally useful functions, plays an important role in retention of some quantity of flooding waters which contributes to floods reducing. This trend is likely influenced by government-approved subsidies and incentives to jumpstart the decarbonization process as quickly as possible. There is a great need for a circular economy in the world, with recycling being considered the leading instrument of this model of economy.
Roberto Salcedo. Samples of fir and liver, kidney, and muscle tissues were taken from four animals. It means that positive influence of forests on precipitation distribution is caused by structural soil characteristics and forest floor that are able to absorb a large quantity of water and retain them for some time, and it is very important for water supply, not only for surrounding vegetation, but also for springs, rivers and underground reservoirs during period with low rainfalls. Keywords: bottom sediments, soil, erosion, reclamation, microelements. The economic dimension includes honouring the basic principles of economics and the production of goods and services, which, after the end of the production cycle, appear on the market. В обоих случаях недостаток микро- элемента связан со слабой ассимиляцией Se растениями из подзолистых, болотных и торфянистых почв. Romanov Iodine in soils and vegetation of pastures in the eastern part of the Bryansk region as a risk factor causing Iodine deficiency in the local diets Remember me on this computer. Namely, in the linear form of prod- uction, waste is a residual of the production process and as such, waste is unnecessary garbage that ends up in the environment. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Environmental trends and the dev- elopment of the green economy have led to demands to reduce the use of fossil fuels with a tendency to long-term replacement with renewable energy sources and perm- issible production of green energy. In order to achieve the above, additional information on the sensitivity of various bonds to the mentioned risks is necessary, apart from the quality of the "greenery" itself in some other sectors. Stoletov, N. There are two most relevant issues to be mentioned.
The paper analyses the green project bonds as an alternative way to finance sustainable public-private partnerships. Alaverdyan, V. Vernadsky made a great contribution to the formation of the fundamental concepts of modern environmental science. This way of doing business is the essence of the "linear model". In Russia the Bryansk region suffered the most from the Chernobyl radioactive fallout. This entails swapping out internal combustion engines for more ecologically friendly alternatives. The maximum I content was observed in the upper 5-centimeter soil layer regardless of the soil type and position in the relief which reflects the atmospheric source of iodine and its high affinity to the organic matter. Biomembranes and environmental monitoring: molecular and ecological toxicology in Covid pandemic.
New Biotechnology Emerging pollutants in the environment: present and future challenges in biomonitoring, ecological risks and bioremediation. In order for hydrogen to be produced - released from its compounds, it is necessary to invest energy, using some of the methods from a wide range of ways to obtain it. A significant difference in the distribution and accumulation of Se in the environment of arid and humid regions has been found. At the same time, the median value in the upper five-centimeter layer appeared to be as low as the lower threshold concentration according to V. This is connected with efficient methods for quantitative characterization of mutagenicity of chemicals and environmental or biological samples, such as the Ames test and others. Why the effects of decentralized implementation of environmental policy in Serbia are unsat- isfactory, and what factors influenced the process, is the main research question posed in this paper. Установлено селективное концент- рирование Zn в листьях березы Betula platyphylla Sukacz. One of the answers we can currently offer as a society is to reuse what we throw away. Energy transition implies implementation of various mechan- isms and energy responsible actors at all levels, especially at the level of individual cons- umers, in order to achieve multiple benefits for people and the planet through collabor- ation. Pabitra Mishra. As a result, we must consider biotic factors. All three peptides also increased acetylcholinesterase activity in the highest concentration. Multidimensional energy needs of each person are imbued with a concern for energy conservation and environmental protection. The isolation and description of such strains of microorganisms, the study of their ecological and physiological characteristics, and the optimal methods of cultivation is an extremely urgent task. Satisfying the needs for energy and energy resources with an increased degree of environmental prot- ection is possible through the transition of the economy and society to a new philosophy of development based on the model: products, use - products.]
Although the war is taking place on the territory of Ukraine, the overall consequent developments are strategically transferred to the European and world goods and capital markets many times over. The priority areas of the green economy of Kyrgyzstan are the development of such sectors as: "green" energy; "green" agriculture; low-carbon and ecological clean transport; sustainable tourism; "green" industry; conservation of natural ecosystems; "green" cities; waste management. The effectiveness of soil restoration depends on the quality of the raw materials used for reclamation. Presenting the theoretical aspect of this concept and the concept of work gives a concrete and practical involvement in the field of application of the concept of green economy. Татьяна Ершова1, доц. Also, the resources of the planet are limited, and the consumerism of modern man is putting them under increasing pressure. Изучение биогеохимического фона Каспийского моря, а также особенностей и зако- номерностей миграции химических элементов представляет собой актуальность работы.